An inventory of the health care for deaf and hard of hearing patients in the Netherlands.











Participating organisations are:

- Leiden University medical centre, departemant for social pediatrics

- Hogeschool Utrecht, lectoraat Deafstudies

- Kentalis (school for children with a hearing impairement of language disorder)

- De Gelderse Roos centre for mental healt care, 
   departement ´the Riethorst´ for deaf and hard of hearing patients.

- FODOK (Federation of parents of deaf children)


This study is recieves financiel support by:

- NSGK (Dutch federation for handicapt children)

- Stichting Handgebaar



Organisation structure


What is the aim 
of this project

Zorgbeter; een inventarisatie van de medische hulpverlening aan Dove en slechthorende patienten, webmaster A.S. Smeijers © 2009 • Privacy Policy • Terms Of Use